Though this blog is was originally intended as a resource for offenders in Massachusetts, much of what I write about is applicable to sex offenders in every other state and many countries around the world, especially in Western Europe. Even other non-sex offenders trying to navigate prison, probation and parole, or employment and education opportunities can glean relevant information from this blog and apply it to help overcome their own struggles.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Pennsylvania Implements the Adam Walsh Act (AWA)

On December 20, 2011, Governor Corbett signed a bill to bring Pennsylvania into compliance with the federal Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act (AWA) of 2006.  Most of the major provisions of the act are now implemented.

 If you are an RSO or care about one then please read the summary of the new registration requirements the law requires.  Needless to say, this is a more punitive and retroactive set of requirements for ex-offenders and their families and friends.  One example of the misguided nature of the law is your dangerousness level i.e. Tier is offense based and does not allow for, say, a panel to determine ones level.  There is no incentivization or mechanism built into the law to allow for one to petition to reduce his compulsory dangerousness level, no matter what.  If you have a offense against a minor, for instance, you are "Tier III" and on the registry for life and all that means.  If you don't live in a state that has enacted the AWA, read through it below-it may be passed in your state someday.  For those of us in Massachusetts, it is possible we are one very horrible and public case away from politicians enacting the AWA.
Wait, there's good news!

From a contact at the Pennsylvania chapter of the good news is: There is an attorney who will challenge the law but offenders and families need to step up and make their voices heard and fight for their rights.  Please also considering contributing to the law firm to defray the legal expenses.  If you live in PA, filing a complaint with the local chapter of the ACLU and the PA State Police is recommended and detailed below.

Attorney Information:
Weisberg Law, P.C.
also t/a Consumer Justice Alliance
7 S. Morton Ave.
Morton, PA 19070
W:  610-690-0801
C:   215-370-7500
F:   610-690-0880

**Each person is should donate a minimum of $50.00---$100.00 each**
“Fight AWA Act” should be clearly printed in the memo section of the Check!
Each person is advised to contact the ACLU and file an individual Complaint!
ACLU Eastern Office
PO Box 40008
Philadelphia, PA 19106
T: 215-592-1513 or toll-free at 877-PHL-ACLU
**Each Offender is advised to contact the Megan’s Law Section and file a formal written complaint**
Pennsylvania State Police
Bureau of Records and Identification
Megan's Law Section
1800 Elmerton Avenue
Harrisburg, PA 17110
toll free at 1-866-771-3170

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Preview of upcoming independent film project tentatively titled "Gary Blanton Jr.- Beyond The Label."

On June 2, 2012, a career criminal named Patrick Drum killed two people and planned to kill a third along the Washington state peninsula. Because his victims were listed on the state's public "sex offender" registry, Drum was labeled a "hero" by many in the community. But they judged the victims on the label alone.

Beyond the Label looks at the life of Gary Blanton as told by his widow, Leslie Blanton. Mrs. Blanton, in her own words, goes beyond the media reports and the label given by society, showing Gary Blanton, Jr. as a devoted husband and father, a volunteer in the community, and a man who struggled to overcome the label "Registered Sex Offender."

Gary Blanton, Jr. was officially convicted of "Third Degree Rape"; however, the media failed to mention his conviction was the result of a consensual relationship when Blanton was just 17 years old, a relationship disapproved by his girlfriend's parents. Blanton lived a decade on the registry, working, volunteering, and taking care of his wife and kids, while being singled out and targeted based on the sex offender label. 

This video is restricted and copyrighted by Once Fallen working in cooperation with Leslie Blanton, the wife of Gary Blanton, Jr. This preview is not to be reproduced or redistributed without the expressed written consent of Once Fallen. The preview title and content is a work in progress and may not reflect the finished product.

For more information or to donate to this project, go to